Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I have a roomie!

So I am totally excited because I just found out who my roommate is for the Fall, and it's actually my friend from high school. I totally left it to the Lord and I was praying that whoever it was it would be God's will, so I'm really thrilled about that. Today, praise God, was a good day, or rather, I am thankful to be following such a good, or rather, GREAT God. I struggled a little in certain areas, some sin that still seems to rear its ugly head, but other than that, it's all gravy. I also spoke to Jacob today and he actually got off of work yesterday at 11 at night! That poor boy, he is so exhausted and he really needs prayer. I'm so proud of him, he works so hard, and i haven't heard him complain once. Such an honorable person! Prayers for him would be fantastic!
Thanks you guys!


Flying with Enoch (Jesse Caron) said...

Sweet! See you soon.

Saitaku said...

Thats really awesome! God is good : ) He is watching out for you and is taking care of you.