Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hot Soup

So I apologize to whoever ends up reading my blogs because it seems that the only times I actually log in is to vent. So here I am, frustrated at the disappointments in life. Things just don't seem to go the way they are supposed too, such as parents providing for their children or actually taking responsibility and doing something about their situation. Things have changed so much since I graduated--so many responsibilities have just been dumped in my lap like hot soup...and here I am, pulling out all of my crazy analogies. So, I take comfort in the fact that God knows what we're going through-he knows and I don't blame him for our trouble because it is definitely not his fault. Why do people blame God for our silly decisions? He's here to comfort us and help us to get out of the hole that we have fallen into. Oh God, only you can bring relief to such a desperate situation.

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